Becoming the best me I can be

I have missed you guys! These past few weeks have been filled with so many ups and downs my head is still spinning. I dealt with a lot of shitty stuff for the past couple weeks but I have also enjoyed some great news and happy times as well. I have fallen completely off the wagon when it comes to working out. I am feeling much better than I have been but I’m still far from feeling 100%. In fact, I won’t being feeling 100% for quite some time. I am ready to get back on the workout wagon though! πŸ™‚

Since I have been dealing with so much sickness lately, I have decided to change the way I have been doing things for a while. I was previously very strict about my workouts, pushing myself to my limits, becoming obsessed with how much weight I was losing and working hard to reach my goals. While this is an awesome approach (and one I will eventually do again), I have decided to slow things down for now. I was becoming too focused on what the scale said and getting stressed out when I didn’t lose as much as I wanted to. I was also trying to do workouts (plyometrics) that were too hard for my current fitness level. This was also derailing my workouts and making me dread doing them. The combination of these issues was steering me away from a healthy lifestyle rather than towards it. That is the last thing I want.

Now for my new plan of action. I want to focus more on healthy eating and take a more relaxed approach to fitness. Fortunately, I haven’t fallen too far away from healthy eating like I did with exercising. I have been bad with snacking though. My cabinets are starting to get bare since I haven’t had the energy to go grocery shopping. I will be making a new grocery list packed full healthy foods and snacks this weekend and I will be going shopping sometime soon afterwards. I am excited for the fall because I will be making lots of soups over the fall and winter. I just love homemade soups. Yum!

I have decided to do low-impact workouts and exercising for now. I plan on taking Peanut on lots of walks as well as doing yoga, pilates and other fun easy workouts. I want to slowly build my strength up from being so sick recently and I want to increase my range of motion and flexibility. I will also stop weighing myself for now because it currently isn’t what I need to be focusing on.

That’s all for now! I plan on posting more often again! Sorry for such a long leave of absence.

Comments on: "A new plan and a change of pace" (14)

  1. I’m so excited for you! I’m going through the same thing, trying to step up and get back on track. I know you can do it!!

    • Thanks girl! You can too! It is really hard to admit when I’m having a tough time but I know everyone does. Hopefully admitting I am having a hard time will make someone else going through the same thing feel less alone πŸ™‚

  2. Wanna join us?? I’ve got a new Challenge that starts today… walk/run one mile a day for 30 days. That’s it! Check out the details at Click on the events tab to join! πŸ™‚

    • I wish I would have read this earlier today but I only have 10 minutes left of September 1st… What do you guys do on rainy days? I know most people will go anyway but I take my 10 month old with me.

      • Start when you can! You can add a day or just do the 29 days that are left. Just do your best and forget the rest! I’ll try to post some creative “alternatives” when weather creates an issue. You aren’t alone in the walking with a little one category, which is FUN! πŸ™‚

  3. Good for you for giving yourself the space to change what you do in order to reach your goals. Sometimes we get so locked into the process that we forget why we’re doing something! Glad you’re feeling better and are back.

    • Thanks! I really have missed blogging. It feels great to start up again. I have found some relaxing yoga workouts I really want to start doing. The instructor of the video seems great πŸ™‚ I look forward to getting back on the wagon!

  4. mymotherlied2me said:

    Keep at it, you are doing fine. Every one falls off, but you are back. That is what is important. Nothing else.

  5. That sounds like a great, smart way to go about things! I think it’s important to find that balance between working hard but not TOO hard as like you, I’ve found myself dreading certain workouts. But then it’s like hey, I don’t have to do THAT particular workout! Hope you’re feeling better πŸ™‚

  6. It is so hard falling off the wagon! I am a new follower so I will get to be a new cheerleader for you on your new path. Good luck!

  7. Checking in to see how you are doing! Haven’t forgotten you.

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