Becoming the best me I can be

Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

I’ve made a plan

As you might have noticed from my posts (and lack of posts), I’ve been having a VERY difficult time transitioning to the last 30 days of the BeFit in 90. The workouts went from moderately challenging to hardcore (for someone like me who is very out of shape at least). Even with modifications, I’m really struggling with this. It has gotten to the point where I don’t even want to workout. I’ve been eating healthy (made delicious chicken taco soup for dinner. yum yum) but I know healthy eating is only part of a healthy lifestyle. I don’t want the hard work I’ve put in the past couple months to go down the drain just because I’m having a hard time transitioning. I’ve spent the past week or two really thinking about what I can do to make this easier.

While I was thinking about it this evening, I had an Aha moment. My whole issue is transitioning from the second 30 days of the program to the last 30 days. Why don’t I make the transition easier by adding another 30 days with both workouts in it! So I’ll be turning BeFit in 90 into BeFit in 120. I’m going to be redoing days 31-60 using the days as a general guideline. I plan on increasing my weights during the strength training videos, using the different plyo videos for the cardio and I also hope to add extra push-ups and squats to the workouts for extra strength. Each day will vary in intensity but hopefully it will give me the motivation I need. I’ll still be working out and the workouts will be a lot harder but they won’t be so hard that I have no interest in doing them. I’m hoping this extra 30 day transition will give me the extra strength and stamina I need to get through the last 30 days as instructed.

I’ll start implementing my new plan tomorrow. I’ll definitely keep you guys updated and will start posting more often. I am truly sorry for the lack of posts recently. I’ll try to make it up to you guys.

BeFit in 90- Days 56, 57 and 58

Day 56- Saturday

The first workout I did after being sick all week. It felt great working out again. I missed moving and strengthening my body. It felt great. The double strength workouts really kicked my butt back in gear too. Day 56 consisted of the Warm-up 2, Ripped Back and Shoulders, Six Pack Abs and Arms, and Yoga.

Day 57

Rest Day!!!!

Day 58

Double Cardio! I already sweat enough on double cardio days but add in the heat this week (still no AC) and I felt like I could have filled the bathtub with sweat. **Sorry for the mental image LOL** I didn’t realize how much I missed doing the cardio until I was halfway through the second cardio video. Day 58 consisted of the Warm-up 2, Cardio MMA Phase 2, Cardio Booster (I did the Fat Blast video from my Kickboxing DVD) and the Sports Stretch. It felt great! I was really sore by bedtime though.

BeFit in 90- Days, 50, 51 and 52

Working out makes me happy LOL Oh, and these are my new glasses :)

Working out makes me happy LOL Oh, and these are my new glasses 🙂

Day 50

Rest Day!!!!

Day 51

It was an overall easy day but harder than I thought it would be. Another double cardio day but with another little twist. Instead of one MMA and one cardio booster, they had me do two MMA workouts. Day 51 went like this.. The Warm-Up 2, Cardio MMA Phase 2, Cardio MMA Phase 2, and Yoga. The Cardio MMA Phase 2 is usually pretty easy for me so I didn’t think this was going to be that much of a workout. The hot weather added to the sweating. That’s for sure. My hip flexors were on fire from all the kicks in the workout. It made the workout a lot harder than I thought it would be making it a great workout.

Day 52

Today was a moderate workout. Day 52 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Butt, Legs and Chest workout, Cardio MMA Phase 2 and the Sports Stretch. The Butt, Legs and Chest workout was fine. I have been debating on bumping my hand weights up to 8lbs during this workout but I don’t really see the point when my workouts will be changing soon. I haven’t decided. I enjoy using the weights with squats. The Cardio MMA Phase 2 was fine other than my hip flexors still being sore from yesterdays workout. The kicks were pretty challenging. The Sports Stretch felt amazing. I love stretching 😀

BeFit in 90- Day 49

Today Peanut was showing her Nana how big she's getting.

Today Peanut was showing her Nana how big she’s getting.

I really didn’t want to workout today. There is no excuse other than plain laziness. I did everything in my powerful to not workout. I made excuses, procrastinated, and every other thing I could to put off working out today. First excuse, Peanut let me sleep in. By the time I could have worked out, it was noon and too hot to workout without a fan. Second excuse, I had to leave for my in-laws right away because we were going to go to Blue Marsh (a lake to swim but the weather didn’t let us go). Third excuse, we didn’t get home until 5:30 and I had to make dinner. Fourth excuse, it was too hot and I had to wait for it to cool down. Fifth excuse, it’s 9pm and I’m too tired to workout. Sixth excuse, Hubby is going to bed. I can just do it tomorrow. I even went to bed with him but my conscience refused to let me. So I dragged myself out of bed at 11pm, put on my workout clothes, got myself plenty of water and gatorade and I worked out…

Boy, am I so glad I worked out today. I know I should have worked out much much much earlier today but it is better late than never. I feel so much better now! Day 49 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Butt, Chest and Legs workout, the Back and Shoulders workout and the Sports Stretch. Double strength training day! It felt great though! I was sweating like crazy because it is hot (summer time), we don’t have any air conditioners and the fan was in the bedroom. It looked like I ran out into the rain. haha! The more you sweat, the better you detox! 😀 I used the 5lb weights during the Butt, Chest and Legs workout like I usually do. I didn’t think about changing them down to the 3 lb weights like I usually do for the Back and Shoulders. I made it 3/4ths of the way through before my shoulders were on fire and I had to switch them to the lower weight. I’ll be feeling it tomorrow! Well, today since it’s almost 1am. haha!

BeFit in 90- Days 47 and 48

Sorry I am late posting this! I thought I had hit publish but I guess I didn’t and it went to my drafts. I am posting it now technically two days late. Oops!

Day 47

Rest Day! It worked out nicely because I had to work in the evening and I didn’t have to exhaust myself beforehand. I enjoyed a nice relaxing day 🙂

Day 48

Today was a nice challenging workout but it wasn’t too challenging. It was a nice blend 😀 Day 48 consisted of the Warm-up 2, Six Pack Abs and Arms, Cardio Booster (I did the Fat Blast dvd) and yoga. The V-sits are a killer! I love it though. It really makes my abs ache. I am just loving the Fat Blast workout. I was gasping for air and drenched in sweat by the time I was done. It is longer than the other workout video but I really enjoy it. I was so relieved to be finished when it was over! It is truly a challenge. They picked a great title for it! I wish I would have remembered this workout at the beginning of BeFit in 90! I had to take a break to get my breath back before I could do the yoga. It felt amazing to stretch out all my sore muscles from today’s workout!

BeFit in 90- Day 46

I passed the halfway point!!! Woohoo!

My hamstrings are super sore today from my workout yesterday. The Sports Stretch felt great at the end of my workout. Day 46 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Back and Shoulders workout, the Cardio MMA Phase 2 and the Sports Stretch. The Back and Shoulders workout felt nice. It is still a challenging workout with the 3lbs weights. My arms feel like lead afterwards. The Cardio MMA felt refreshing. It is definitely not as intense as the Fat Blast I did yesterday. That was a killer. I loved it though. As I said the Sports Stretch felt amazing today. It felt so nice to stretch out. It really stretched my hamstrings and glutes. Boy, did I need it too! It was a great workout! Woohoo!

BeFit in 90- Days 44 and 45

Day 44

Double cardio day! Day 44 consists the Warm-up 2, the Cardio Booster (I did a double Zumba session), Cardio MMA Phase 2, and yoga. I had fun doing the Zumba. I did the Zumba Toning workout with the toning sticks. I would definitely use 3lb weights next time because the toning sticks were super easy. It was an easy workout overall.

Day 45

Today was a all new layout for my workout. I was surprised but delighted. Day 45 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Butt, Legs and Chest workout, the Cardio Booster (I’ll explain it later), and the Cardio MMA Phase 2. Double cardio AND a strength training. Woohoo! I used 5lb weights during the Butt, Legs and Chest workout. It felt much better than the 3lb weights. While I was taking a drink after the strength workout, I heard Peanut awake and crying from her nap. I went up and brought her downstairs. She was so hot she couldn’t sleep. It was cooler downstairs than upstairs (heat rises) so she felt much better downstairs. Unfortunately, I wasn’t done my workout. I laid Peanut down with her toys and continued my workout. She had fun watching me workout. She just loves it!

I did the Cardio MMA Phase 2 workout. It was fine. It got me sweating but that was nothing! After the MMA, I did the Fat Blast workout on the Prevention Kick Start Your Metabolism DVD. It’s a kickboxing workout DVD. I was sweating like crazy by the end. It is so much more intense than the Cardio MMA workout. The hardest part of the workout was doing it while keeping an eye on Peanut. She kept rolling around and I had to make sure she wasn’t under foot. I tried laying her on the other side of the living room so I wouldn’t have to worry about stepping on her but she got mad because she couldn’t see me. haha! Don’t worry! I didn’t let her get close to me so I didn’t step on my cutie pie. 😀

I was really proud I could finish the Fat Blast workout. A few months ago I couldn’t even complete the 15 minute workout. I was gasping and couldn’t go on. Now, just a few months later, I am able to complete it after most of my BeFit in 90 workout. I’m so proud. This is what this journey is all about. I am just trying to better myself a little bit every day.

Today was a very challenging workout but I loved it! Hope everyone had an awesome day!

This was my workout lifesaver! Way too hot today but I did my workout anyway :D

This was my workout lifesaver! Way too hot today but I did my workout anyway 😀

Intense workout plus hot house equals sweaty mama! haha!

Intense workout plus hot house equals sweaty mama! haha!

BeFit in 90- Days 41, 42 and 43

Sorry it took me so long to post these. This weekend was busy. I celebrated 5 years of dating my husband by going to the movies to see Man of Steel, got new glasses, cleaned, spent most of yesterday with family, ran errands, and I’m trying to learn more about soluble fiber. I’ll try to post more 🙂

Day 41

I did my workout before getting ready for our date night. It was the first date night we had without anyone else. Just Hubby and I. It was really nice but I was very excited to see my Peanut after the movie. Anyways, day 41 consisted of the Warm-up 2, Ripped Abs and Arms, Cardio MMA Phase 2 and yoga. The Ripped Abs and Arms workout is still on the easier side but the abs workouts are much better this time than last month. The V sits are killer. My whole body shakes as I sit there awkwardly and pulse my arms. It’s so hard to do it the whole time… and I love it! My biggest issue with the last ab workout was the lack of a workout. My abs weren’t even sore before but they are now. I’m very glad because I want to work my abs hard. I had very strong abs before my pregnancy and I want strong abs again. I’ll get there. It just takes time. The Cardio MMA made me sweat and it was a nice workout. I am starting to like the yoga video more. I know it will take time and I have the time to give.

Day 42

Double strength training day! I spent most of the day at my in-laws house so I didn’t get to do my workout until after Peanut’s bedtime. At least it made me me tired for bedtime. Day 42 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Back and Shoulders workout, the Ripped Abs and Arms workout and the Sports Stretch. My arms really felt this workout. I have a hard enough time completing the Back and Shoulders by itself so it was a good challenge to complete both. Plus my abs were still a bit sore from the Ripped Abs and Arms workout yesterday. All in all it was a great workout 🙂

Day 43

Rest day!!!! Today was a busy day filled with errands, a tired baby, lots of heat, board games and yummy chicken stir-fry. It was a wonderful day. I feel so blessed 🙂

BeFit in 90 Days 39 and 40

Day 39

This workout was nice workout. Day 39 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Back & Shoulders workout, Cardio Booster (I did Zumba) and the Sports Stretch. The Back and Shoulders workout is still very challenging but I am not quite so sore from it the next day. Thankfully. Now I can pick up Peanut afterwards. haha! I doubled up my Zumba to get a better workout so I have more cardio this week. This is great since I feel as though I need more cardio in my week and it’s one of my weekly goals.

I am just LOVING the Sports Stretch. It feels amazing. Especially the move that stretches out the glutes. It feels amazing. Hubby was watching TV while I was working out and stretching. I said to him “I love this position. It feels good on my butt.” He started cracking up and making fun of me. I didn’t mean it in a perverted way but of course, that’s how he took it. It made us both crack up laughing.

Day 40

Rest Day!!! I really wanted to do some extra cardio but I spent her nap time cleaning instead. We had friends coming over and I wanted the house to look extra clean. I also worked today.

Current Front View

Current Front View

Current Side View

Current Side View

BeFit in 90- Days 37 and 38

Day 37

Cardio Day! Day 37 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Cardio Booster (I did a double zumba), the Cardio MMA Phase 2, and the Sports Stretch. Peanut decided she didn’t want to take her nap for me and I had to go to work yesterday so I worked out while she played in the living room. She had fun staring at me trying to figure out what I was doing and I talked to her (when I had the breath). It was a pretty easy workout day. I know I said it before but I really like the new Cardio MMA 😀

Day 38

Today was a good day and a not so good day. On one hand I had a  great day with family and a great workout. I’m still sweating (I had a late workout). Unfortunately, my family and I went to a restaurant and I ate WAY more than I should have. Ugh! I haven’t felt this heavy from food in so long. I’m not beating myself up too much because there’s always tomorrow.

Anyways, Day 38 consisted of the Warm-up 2, the Butt, Legs, and Chest workout, the Cardio MMA Phase 2, and Yoga. The Butt, Legs and Chest workout still seems too easy. I did use the 3lbs weights this time so I will definitely be using the 5lbs weights next time and every time thereafter. The Cardio MMA had me sweating up a storm. Loved it.

I am still trying hard to do the yoga. I did like it a bit more today, which is good. I really enjoy the balance poses towards the end of the video. I really like the balance ones. Hopefully I will continue to like the others more as I do them 😀