Becoming the best me I can be

Posts tagged ‘Bubble bath’

Always Here If You Need Me Award

always-here-if-you-need-me1Whenever I am feeling a little blue, my followers always have a way of cheering me up. There are quite a few of you awesome people who comment on my blog often, giving me support, encouraging me, inspiring me and being overall fantastic. I always try to return the favor. I love to give love and support as much as I like to receive it. Victoria at Victoriously went the extra loving mile and nominated me for the Always Here If You Need Me award. I felt so happy and special. It was wonderful of her to nominate me and let me know she noticed my comments 😀 I would definitely return the favor since she is always commenting on my blog as well but we don’t need all these nominations go to her head (which they would if she’s anything like me! haha!).

The rules of the award are:

  • Post a picture of the award somewhere on your blog.
  • List five things that make you happy.
  • Nominate three people who have always been there for you, who have always provided support and enthusiasm for your efforts, and to whom you feel you could turn when you’re dealing with challenges. Comment on their blogs and let them know of the nomination.

Five things that make me happy

  1. A relaxing hot bubble bath in a big tub with essential oils and Epsom salts.
  2. My wonderful daughter who makes my day brighter
  3. Goofing around with Hubby. Whether we are playing board games, going on a walk, having weird conversations or picking at each other, he always know how to make me laugh and goes out of his way (even acting silly just for me) to make me smile and laugh.
  4. Reading a good book. I have always loved reading. It gives you time to escape reality and go on an adventure without all the work LOL
  5. Spending time in the sunshine especially if it involves water like going to the beach, pool or lake

My Three Nominations

  1. Christina at Day by Day. She was the first person to like and comment on my blog and she has been supportive ever since. I remember how excited I was to see her name as my first follower. I will always happily read her comments and visit her blog as well 🙂
  2. Lori at Out of Hiding. She is always so supportive and encouraging. We have talked back and forth through comments on each other’s blog and I feel like we have a lot in common. I look forward to reading her blog and love reading her comments. She is always inspiring me to try harder and gives me pep talks when I’m feeling down.
  3. Lissa at If Not for the Skinny Jeans. She has always been very supportive. Her blog makes me remember to focus on all indications of a healthy lifestyle, not just the scale. Being healthy is more than just a number and Lissa always reminds me of that whenever I forget. She is a wonderful person and very inspiring. I love reading her comments on my blog and reading her blog as well.