Becoming the best me I can be

Posts tagged ‘soluble fiber’

Weekly Update- June 30, 2013

Every week I plan on posting an update about my progress towards better health. I will post goals I want to accomplish in the upcoming week, if I accomplished the goals I set the previous week, current weight, if I lose or gain weight (hopefully only lose weight), and a brief summary of my activities.

Goals from previous week

Do the BeFit in 90 workout each day as instructed yes!
Add more cardio throughout the week yes!
Drink lots of water (even more since its hot) yes!
Eat more healthy meals, especially at lunch time yes!
Try more ways to eat healthy that doesn’t irritate my stomach yes!
Eat more soluble fiber and protein yes!
Try food journaling- I didn’t do it today because I thought of it too late but I will start tomorrow. yes/no

Goals for the upcoming week

Do the BeFit in 90 workout each day as instructed
Add more cardio throughout the week
Drink lots of water (even more since its hot)
Eat more healthy meals, especially at lunch time
Try more ways to eat healthy that doesn’t irritate my stomach
Eat more soluble fiber and protein

Weigh-in Time

Start Weight: 270 pounds
Current Weight: 249.8 pounds
Lose/Gain: Lost 1.7 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 20.2 pounds

Weekly Summary

I had a pretty great week. I have been researching and implementing some of what I have learned. It has really been helping. I’ve been eating oatmeal for breakfast almost every morning and adding rice to most meals. I have felt so much better.

The BeFit in 90 has been great as well. I have been doing a Fat Blast workout instead of the Cardio Booster and it has really been kicking my butt. It’s awesome!

I am pretty terrible at food journaling. I try pretty hard but I always seem to forget a meal or something. I try but it just doesn’t seem to work.