Becoming the best me I can be

Posts tagged ‘healthy lifestyle’

Weekly Update- June 2, 2013

Every week I plan on posting an update about my progress towards better health. I will post goals I want to accomplish in the upcoming week, if I accomplished the goals I set the previous week, current weight, if I lose or gain weight (hopefully only lose weight), and a brief summary of my activities.

Goals from previous week

Walk at least 5 miles yes 😦
Do the BeFit in 90 workout each day as instructed yes!
Drink lots of water yes!
Eat healthy meals/snacks every 2-3 hours yes!

Goals for the upcoming week

Do the BeFit in 90 workout each day as instructed
Do the 30 day Squat Challenge each day as instructed
Drink lots of water (even more since its hot)
Eat healthy meals/snacks every 2-3 hours
Try to eat more veggies

Weigh-in Time

Start Weight: 270 pounds
Current Weight: 253.3 pounds
Lose/Gain: Lost 0 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 16.7 pounds
Measurement: Check out my measurements here

Weekly Summary

I didn’t lose any weight this week but that isn’t a big deal. I did really well with eating healthy AND working out this week. I am doing the BeFit in 90 as instructed. It was getting easier so I bumped up my weights from 3lbs to 5lbs. I also started the 30 day Squat challenge. I began it yesterday. Its intense so far but hopefully it will get easier and I’ll be less sore. I have been eating a lot of fruit this week including cherries, strawberries, and grapefruit. I have been eating veggies but I want to eat more next week. I am proud of how well I’m doing.

Even though, I haven’t lost weight this week but I have lost inches. You can check it out on my measurement post. I have the fitness bug and I don’t want to get rid of it! Wootsies!

Sexual Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle Part 3: Eating Healthy

Sorry it took so long to write this post. Between the holiday and Peanut’s health issues, I didn’t have as much time as I wanted to write this.

Eating a healthy balanced diet is good for your body, good for your heart and good for your sex life. Food is the fuel for your body. If you eat crappy food that clogs your system, you are most likely not going to have great sex. If, on the other hand, you eat food that helps your body function better, you are more likely to have a better sex life. The key to a healthy lifestyle is eating a well-rounded diet including lean protein, fruits, dark leafy greens and other veggies, beans, and other delicious healthy foods. There are also studies showing certain foods are more likely to increase your libido than others.

If you are wandering what foods would make you’re sex life steamier, you are in for treat because I’m about to tell you. After reading articles like Christina Pirello’s article The Top 10 Foods for Great Sex and Men’s Health magazine’s article How to Eat For Better Sex, I have compiled a list of foods to help rev up your sex life. Here they are:

  • Oysters and Shellfish
    • While they are considered an aphrodisiac, the real reason oysters are so great for your health is the high levels of zinc. They are higher in zinc than most other foods. Zinc is wonderful for sexual performance since it improve testosterone levels, great for blood circulation, and its crucial for healthy sperm production. If you are like me and can’t stand the idea of slurping down oysters, other foods high in zinc are shrimp, spinach, basil, eggs, red meat, thyme, sea vegetables, red meat, poultry, and sesame, pumpkin and chia seeds.
  • Strawberries and Other Berries
    • Strawberries are high in vitamin C, and  B vitamin folate. Vitamin C is a natural libido enhancer and folate is helps prevent birth defects. Blackberries and blueberries are just as delicious and good for your sex life. They contain compounds that improve circulation and relax blood vessels. As we learned in the previous post, the better the circulation, the better the sex.
  • Dark chocolate
    • We can’t talk about strawberries without talking about dark chocolate now, can we? When I think of sexy foods, chocolate covered strawberries come to my mind and with good reason too. The phenylalanine in chocolate releases endorphins and dopamine, the one that surges during orgasm. Chocolate also contains magnesium which soothes our nerves and makes us more receptive for each other. *wink wink*
  • Oatmeal and Whole Grains
    • Whole grains (especially oatmeal) increase testosterone and are high in zinc (read above why that is great for the mojo). Oats in particular contain an amino acid called L-arginine. L-arginine works with nitric oxide to help relax blood vessels which helps men with erectile dysfunction. Other foods containing L-arginine include nuts, ginseng, dairy, seeds, and green veggies. Another awesome bonus of eating whole grains is complex carbohydrates gives us consistent energy allowing us to have more stamina for physical…. exercise.
  • Onions, Garlic, and Ginger
    • Alliums (chives, leeks, scallions, and onions) are sure to get your juices flowing and give you the stamina to use those juices. They cause intense feelings of arousal and contain chemical compounds that stimulate blood flow to your sexual organs. This ensures some hot, strong, enduring sex. Who can argue with that? As a person who eats lots of onions and garlic, I can assure you they are very beneficial.
  • Dark leafy vegetables
    • Dark leafy vegetables like spinach, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, and bok choy are great for your overall health. We have all heard the benefits of eating these leafy veggies. They are also great for sexual health. These leafy veggies are packed with folate and magnesium. Magnesium dilates those blood vessels and creates the essential blood flow to your genitals.
  • Many many others
    • Many other foods are great for your sex life including red meat, chia seeds, peaches, fruits, chili peppers, seeds, nuts, tomatoes, eggs, fatty fish, artichokes, beans, and so much more. If you would like to read more about the sexual benefits these foods, visit the links below.

Now you have even more reasons to eat healthy, as if you didn’t have enough reasons to start with. I’m just trying to give you the motivation to get you eating those leafy greens and other healthy foods. I know I’ll be adding more of these delicious foods into my diet. 🙂


Sexual Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle Series

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What’s up so far this week

I just wanted to let you guys know what I have been up to so far this week. I have been doing wonderful this week with both eating healthy and keeping up with my walks.

Here is just a little summary of how I’ve been doing with my exercises.

  • Sunday- I went on two different walks for a total of 1.89 miles.
  • Monday- I didn’t have a chance to go on my walk but I did manage to do 30 squats, 20 calf raises and I walked in place for about 20 minutes.
  • Tuesday- I was extra energetic and walked 3.26 miles. The longest walk I have completed since I started walking.
  • Today- I went on a walk with Peanut for 2.62 miles.

It’s only Wednesday and I am already up to 7.72 miles! I am really happy with how well I’ve been doing. The more walks I go on, the more I just love it. I am in a better mood after my walks. I feel happier, healthier, and I have more self-confidence. I’m hoping after I walk for long enough I can start jogging.

I have already started noticing positive changes from changing to a healthy lifestyle. Although I am a bit physically tired from my walks, I have more energy than ever. My clothes are looser and my wedding ring is getting loose as well. I’m not use to needing to pull up my pants since they starting to sag. My self-esteem and self-confidence have skyrocketed. I am happier and Peanut is in a better mood as well from our walks.

Another new thing going on for me this week is a program at work called Walk On. It encourages the employees to walk with a pedometer for 6 weeks keeping track of how many steps we take each day. The company gives prizes if/when we reach 50, 100, 150 and 200 miles. The program starts today. Not only did I sign up but I have tried to get my coworkers to sign up as well. I have been trying to promote healthy habits as much as I can.